CS 441-Midterm Exam
Fall 1999
Meng Yi Yee


Requirements of the Language

The programming language must be able to accept inputs and produces outputs accordingly

The programming language must be able to support real-time system

The programming language must be able to handle data storage perfectly

The programming language must be able to support artificial intelligence

The programming language must be able to read input devices

The programming language must be able to support portability


Implement Issues of Project

Basically, this new programming language will be an event-driven programming language. The user in the mind field can hold a remote control or use a laptop computer as a controller to an underground drill. On the controller, there will be many choices of commands like move forward, move backward, turning, scan the area, bomb a target location and so on. These commands will be shown on the screen of a laptop computer or will be each individual button on a remote control.

Global Positioning System is used to track the underground drill so that the user will know where the current location of the underground drill. Furthermore, the user will know which path to use when the user wants the underground drill to return to the surface. This way, the user will not lose the underground drill by not knowing where the current location of the underground drill.

Some Artificial Intelligence is needed when implementing this issue because there might be some many critical conditions occur during mining. Collapse of the turnel is one of the biggest critical conditions, the user will not feel it on the surface. The underground drill must have the ability to detect that incident before it happens and then the underground drill must be able to know how to move to a safer place.

Most of the commands need a location as inputs of the commands. In this case, a 3-dimensional plane representation is used. The underground drill always represents location (0, 0, 0) even though it moves from location A to location B. Below is the graphical representation of the issue.

This way, user can input the coordinate for commanding an underground drill to do some particular job like bombing a target location or scan the area from where to where.


Language Features and Characteristic

Support different kinds of control devices

Support Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Support Global Positioning System (GPS)

Support Artificial Intelligence


Inclusion and/or Exclusion of Features

Support different kinds of control devices

Support Graphical User Interface

Support Global Positioning System

Support Artificial Intelligence


Develop the Regular Grammar

Data Types

Operator Description Example
int 16-bit signed integer
Range: –32,768 to 32,767
int A
large_integer 32-bit signed integer
Range: -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
large_int A
char 8-bit Windows (ANSI) characters char A
string Character string stores value up to 255 characters string A
bool Boolean stores TRUE or FALSE bool A
float 6-7 digits significant signed floating-point
8 bits exponent length, 23 bits mantissa length
float A
large_float 15-16 digits significant signed floating-point
11 bits exponent length, 52 bits mantissa length
large_float A

Typed vs Typeless


Assignment and Comment

Operator Description Example
= Assignment A = 1 + 2
## Sigle Line Comment ## This is sigle line comment
!#, #! Multiple Lines Comment !# This is the start for the comment
This is the end of the comment !#


Arithmetic Operations

Operator Description Example
+ Addition Result = A + B
- Subtraction Result = A – B
* Multiplication Result = A * B
/ Division Result = A / B
Sample output: Result = 17.1
\ Integer Division Result = A \ B
Sample output: Result = 17
% Modulus Result = A % B
Sample output: Result = 1 (17.1)


Logical Operations

Operator Description Example
&& AND A && B
| OR A | B
! NOT !A


Equality and Relational Operations

Operator Description Example
= = Equal A = = B
!= Not Equal A != B
> Greater Than A > B
< Smaller Than A < B
>= Greater Than or Equal A >= B
<= Smaller Than or Equal A <= B


Statement Types

If-Then-Else Statement

Nested If-Then-Else Statement

While Statement

Repeat-Until Statement

Case Statement

For Statement



Module Description of Module Variables Description of Variables
Scan (float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z3) Scan for mine from initial location to final location float x1
float y1
float z1
float x2
float y2
float z2
Initial location in x-plane
Initial location in y-plane
Initial location in z-plane
Final location in x-plane
Final location in y-plane
Final location in z-plane
Turn (char Direction, float Degree) Turn left or right in the amount of degree char Direction
float Degree
Turning direction, L or R
Number of degree to be turned
Forward (float Distance) Move forward in the amount of feet float Distance Number of feet to move forward
Backward (float Distance) Move backward in the amount of feet float Distance Number of feet to move backward
Bomb (float x_axis, float y_axis, float z_axis) Bomb a location in the specified target location float x_axis
float y_axis
float z_axis
Target location in x-plane
Target location in y-plane
Target location in z-plane
Detect () Detect for mines, count number of groups of mines and show the location of mine on the controller screen    
Drill (float Depth) Drill the current location until the specified depth float Depth Depth in feet that to be drill
Collect () Store the mines in the storage compartment after drilling    




Example of the Programming Language

